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Steve Jurvetson on self-driving cars - TMC Connect 2014
Steve Jurvetson - Keynote at TMC Connect 2014
TMC Connect 2014 parking lot
Slush 2016 // Steve Jurvetson & the Big Think
Take Your Tesla to the Track - TMC Connect 2014
We Solve for X: Steve Jurvetson on the accelerating rich-poor gap
Vision Talk: Steve Jurvetson - How Do We Bridge The Accelerating Rich-Poor Gap? (Visioneering 2014)
Diarmuid O'Connell - Keynote at TMC Connect 2014
DFJ's Jurvetson: Eventually All Cars Will Be Autonomous
TEDx Talk: Self-Driving Cars
Steve Jurvetson: Investing in Space
Preparing for TMC Connect and Supercharging at Tesla Motors Hawthorne Design Center.